SPECIAL EDUCATION Add-On Certifications

Applications for this year have CLOSED.

APE - Adapative PE Certification
Applications for this year have CLOSED.
Continuing Education
Below are many opportunities for you to grow professionally. Please contact the individual universities and/or programs for more information regarding enrollment, tuition and financial aid.

Library Certification(Add-On)
Northwestern State University currently offers this Add-On certification.
There are six courses required by the LA DOE for school librarian certification. We offer those courses on a rotating basis. If you can start coursework in the summer, the program can be completed in one year by taking two course each semester. Students starting in the fall or spring can finish in 16 months.
Course work includes:
Nine hours in Elementary and/or secondary school library methods:
LIS 4050/5050 (3) Information, Media & the Curriculum (Spring)
LIS 4160/5020 (3) Literature & Related Materials for Children (Summer)
LIS 4170/5030 (3) Books & Materials for the Young Adult (Summer)
Six hours in Organization, administration, and interpretation of elementary and/or secondary school library service:
LIS 4070/5070 (3) Administration & Organization of the School Media Center (Fall)
LIS 4180/5180 (3) Technical Processes for the School Media Center (Fall)
Three hours in Elementary and/or secondary school library practice:
LIS 4100/5100 (3) Supervised Field Work in School Library Media (offered Fall/ Spring)
The field work includes 120 hours of observation and student teaching in multiple school library settings.
Please feel free to contact Adri LeBlanc via email, leblanca@nsula.edu, if you have any questions.