
Professional Development for Teachers

Per Louisiana Bulletin 1903, educators teaching students who have been identified with characteristics of dyslexia must be trained in multisensory structured language strategies. Project Read is the district-approved multisensory structured language program for Caddo Parish. The following are the four strands of training available through the district's 504/Dyslexia Department:

Phonics (1st through 5th grades)

This training addresses basic decoding approaches that are based on systematic phonics using multisensory strategies and materials delivered through direct, concept teaching. The sequence of concepts and skills progresses from the simplest to the most complex. Participants will learn how to teach students to decode unknown words using the syllabication process.

Linguistics (6th through 12th grades)

This training uses multisensory strategies, a variety of materials, and direct instruction to provide reading instruction to older students. Participants will learn the basic of teaching syllabication strategies to decode unknown words. Approaches are based on systematic phonics using multisensory strategies and materials delivered through direct, concept teaching.  

Multisensory Grammar/Written Expression (4th through 12th grades)

This training is a blend of Project Read's Framing Your Thoughts and Neuhaus' Multisensory Grammar/Written Expression. It has been designed to prepare teachers to provide foundational writing instruction by color-coding parts of speech and diagraming sentences. Instruction progresses from barebone sentences to multi-paragraph compositions.

Story Form/Report Form (3rd through 12th grades)

Story Form training focuses on providing teachers with materials and a structure for teaching comprehension of narrative texts. Participants will learn to teach students about genre and story elements through a concrete analogy of a puzzle.

Report Form training intends to support teachers in the teaching of reading comprehension of nonfiction texts. Participants will learn to teach students a process for collecting, classifying, and organizing expository texts for critical thinking.

Please visit kickup to register for the trainings of your choice.

On-Demand Trainings

These trainings will introduce you to some multisensory structured language strategies until you are able to get fully trained in Project Read.

Multisensory Language Strategies

MSL Strategies PD

Multisensory Comprehension Strategies

MSL Strategies PD

Multisensory for Writing

MSL Strategies PD