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Response to Intervention (RTI)

The purpose of this page is to share the information necessary to implement RtI effectively at your school. If you have any suggestions or information that you would like to add, please contact Erin Redden at

The RtI Team strives to assist in building the capacity of school-level staff to address student deficits and decrease the number of students requiring Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention. 

Link to the RtI Manual

⇒  The goal of our department is to increase and improve student achievement by meeting the needs of the students. Our RtI model seeks to assist parents, students, and staff to achieve this goal through high-quality instruction, monitoring of student progress, research-based interventions, and using this data to make decisions.

⇒  Both the No Child  Left Behind Act (NCLB 2001) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) focus on the quality of instruction that students receive in the general education setting. NCLB and IDEA require the use of research-based instruction and interventions. Response to Intervention (RtI) is the practice of meeting the academic and behavioral needs of all students through a problem-solving process with three key elements:

  • High-quality instruction and research-based tiered interventions aligned with individual student need

  • Frequent monitoring of student progress to enable results-based academic and/or behavioral decisions

  • Use of student response data in making important educational decisions (such as those regarding placement, interventions, curriculum, and instructional goals and methodologies)

⇒  Using data-based interventions and interventions based on scientific research to determine eligibility for learning disabilities is stressed in IDEA 2004. With a RtI approach, general education teachers assume increased responsibility for delivering high-quality instruction to early-identified struggling students.