Caddo Sets New Records in Student Achievement

Seeing the single largest year of growth across schools, subjects, and grade levels, information released Monday by the Louisiana Department of Education shows Caddo Parish made substantial gains in student performance.

Representing the most sizeable single-year increase in school performance, the annual release of school performance scores showed 15 schools improving their performance by a letter grade, 49 schools raising their school performance scores and seven schools making double-digit gains in student achievement. Additionally, the Department recognized seven schools as Opportunity Honorees, an honor given to schools in the highest tier of progress for special education, English language learners and high-poverty students.

In addition, Caddo continued to see improvements in its overall district performance score, growing by 2.3 points – the largest increase since 2019 and the district’s highest rating since the state revised its accountability process in 2018. Increasing performance at a rate higher than the state, Caddo campuses also garnered statewide recognition with Caddo Middle Magnet once again securing the highest-scoring school of any K-8 campus in Louisiana and South Highlands Elementary Magnet ranking fourth. Caddo Parish Magnet High earned its spot as the fourth-highest-scoring high school. Judson Fundamental Elementary was highlighted as part of the state’s top 10 most improved K-8 schools and Pathways in Education also was recognized among Louisiana’s most improved alternative schools.

“For three years, our students, teachers, school leaders and staff have worked together to move beyond a global pandemic and come out the other side of it stronger,” said Dr. T. Lamar Goree, Superintendent of Caddo Schools. “Today, I can say we have done that. Our schools are higher than they were pre-pandemic, but even more important than any score or data point is what this work has meant for the individual students who are able to enter the next grade level or their next chapter more prepared and more confident.”

Monday’s release comes as the latest highlight of district progress. In August, Caddo’s schools celebrated increased proficiency rates on state assessments with students increasing performance at or above grade level across every subject area. For example, in the last year, 3rd-grade English/Language Arts (ELA) students increased proficiency by 9.1 percent compared to 2022. In middle school math, an investment in additional time and teacher supports resulted in a 9.4 percent increase between 2021 and 2023.

 Not only are more students performing on grade level, but the district also saw a 6-percent increase in students scoring a 3 or above on rigorous, college-credit-earning Advanced Placement exams. Caddo’s growth was twice the rate of the state.

 “The consistency in growth is what is most exciting when we look at what’s happening in Caddo,” said Keith Burton, Chief Academic Officer. “It is across grade levels and schools -- no matter the neighborhood, the ZIP code. It is really showing the strategy of giving teachers the time they need to teach, supporting them through professional development, and ensuring they have the right resources is making the difference for thousands of students.”

 Further, the district earned a grade of ‘A’ for the rate at which it is growing student performance in grades K-8 as well as an ‘A’ rating for the quality and rigor of the diploma earned by district graduates.

By the Numbers

Schools Increasing Performance by a Letter Grade

●        Blanchard Elementary

●        Caddo Heights

●        Cherokee Park Elementary

●        Donnie Bickham Middle

●        J.S. Clark Elementary

●        Judson Fundamental Elementary

●        Midway Elementary

●        North Highlands Elementary

●        Queensborough Elementary

●        Ridgewood Middle

●        Summer Grove Elementary

●        Summerfield Elementary

●        Turner Elementary/Middle

●        Pathways in Education

●        Ombudsman


Schools With Double-Digit Gains

●        Blanchard Elementary

●        J.S. Clark Elementary

●        Judson Fundamental Elementary

●        North Highlands Elementary

●        Pathways in Education

●        AMI Kids

●        Ombudsman


LDOE Designated Opportunity Honorees

●        Caddo Magnet High

●        Caddo Middle Magnet

●        Claiborne Fundamental Elementary

●        Eden Gardens Fundamental Elementary

●        Fairfield Magnet

●        Herndon Magnet

●        South Highlands Elementary Magnet


Schools Increasing SPS

●        A.C. Steere Elementary

●        Atkins Elementary

●        Blanchard Elementary

●        Broadmoor STEM

●        C.E. Byrd High

●        Caddo Heights Elementary

●        Caddo Middle Career & Technology

●        Caddo Magnet High

●        Caddo Middle Magnet

●        Caddo Virtual Academy

●        Cherokee Park Elementary

●        Claiborne Fundamental Elementary

●        Creswell Elementary

●        Donnie Bickham Middle

●        Eden Gardens Fundamental Elementary

●        Eighty-First Street ECE

●        Fair Park Middle

●        Fairfield Magnet

●        Forest Hill Elementary

●        Herndon Magnet

●        Huntington High

●        J.S. Clark Elementary

●        Judson Fundamental Elementary

●        Keithville Elementary/Middle

●        Magnolia School of Excellence

●        Midway Professional Development Center

●        Mooringsport Elementary

●        North Caddo Elementary/Middle

●        North Caddo High

●        North Highlands Elementary

●        Northside Elementary

●        Pine Grove Elementary

●        Queensborough Elementary

●        Ridgewood Middle

●        Riverside Elementary

●        Shreve Island Elementary

●        South Highlands Elementary Magnet

●        Southern Hills Elementary

●        Summer Grove Elementary

●        Summerfield Elementary

●        Sunset Acres Elementary

●        Turner Elementary/Middle

●        University Elementary

●        Walnut Hill Elementary/Middle

●        Werner Park Elementary

●        Westwood Elementary

●        Youree Drive Middle

●        AMI Kids

●        Ombudsman


LDOE Designated Top Gains Schools

●        A.C. Steere Elementary

●        C.E. Byrd High

●        Caddo Magnet High

●        Caddo Middle Magnet

●        Claiborne Fundamental Elementary

●        Eden Gardens Fundamental Elementary

●        Eighty-First Street ECE

●        Fairfield Magnet

●        Forest Hill Elementary

●        Herndon Magnet

●        Huntington High

●        Judson Fundamental Elementary

●        North Highlands Elementary

●        Riverside Elementary

●        Shreve Island Elementary

●        South Highlands Elementary Magnet

●        Southern Hills Elementary

●        University Elementary

●        Westwood Elementary